In team sport, teammates facilitate the movement of a ball or similar object in accordance with a set of rules and score points. This is distinguished from individual sports, where athletes aim to outperform opponents during practice and competition. Swimming, curling, rowing eights, four-man bobsled, and sprint relay races are also considered team sports, even though these do not involve teammates directly facilitating the movement of a ball.
The Janssen Sports Leadership Center reports that team sport provides several key life skills, including cooperation, collaboration and competitiveness. It teaches athletes to work together and respect each other, take responsibility for actions on behalf of the team, and not cut corners. It teaches that it is important to learn from failure and to be adaptable. In addition, the camaraderie of a sports team can be a great way to make new friends.
Working on a sports team also teaches children that the payoff for hard work comes through perseverance and consistent effort. This is an excellent lesson for the rest of their lives. It also teaches them that not everyone will win every time, but it is not a reason to give up. Instead, losing a game teaches them that there is always room to improve and that they must keep trying.
Athletes often feel a sense of belonging when they join a team. They report higher levels of life satisfaction than non-athletes. According to research, it is likely because of the social side of team sports, where individuals bond with other members of the group and make friendships beyond the sports field. In addition, they tend to exercise more consistently because they are committed to the team and its objectives.
Team sports require a high level of communication and trust. The group must agree on values, rules and goals that will guide them in their interactions. They must also develop an understanding that the well-being of the group takes priority over the personal desires of the players, and they must be prepared to sacrifice their own interests in order to achieve the common goal. This is a difficult message to convey to adolescents. Athletes who do not understand this concept can easily lose interest in their sport, or they may find it difficult to regain their motivation once they leave the team environment. It is important for coaches to spend time building a strong foundation of trust and communication before the start of the season. A few fun team-building activities that can be done include a blindfolded partner obstacle course or a thumbs up/thumbs down activity. The goal is to build a strong team spirit that will be beneficial for the entire season. A strong team will allow the athlete to perform at his or her best.