There are many different categories of news. There are the hard news, the features, and the features that catch the reader’s attention. In short, hard news is the stuff that is worth reading, while the features hold the reader. However, good news rarely makes the news. A chap who has no interest in the news might read about a story about a celebrity’s wedding, and he’ll think that’s the news.
20 categories of what makes news
Newsworthy topics include events involving celebrities, big business, or the general public. Crimes and scandals are also popular topics. More unusual or serious crimes make bigger news. Other popular news topics include money, including stories about how people make and lose fortunes, taxation, and budget issues. Even stories about animals and the environment can be interesting and generate media attention.
Judgment guidelines
When writing a piece for the news, journalists must follow judgment guidelines. First, they should check the facts of any allegations they write. Moreover, they should avoid using words that suggest immorality or dishonesty. Second, if a judge demands it, news organizations must produce drafts and notes.
Location of news
Location is a key component of news stories, and it often influences the reader’s perception. However, the location of news stories may not always be obvious to a reader. The concept of location in journalism has recently been reframed, thanks to the growth of mobile media.
Story length
While the average newspaper article is about 1,400 words, some newspapers have made efforts to increase the length of their stories. For example, the New York Times published an article of more than 10,000 words in the magazine section of the newspaper. The piece moved the average word count for the top ten stories from about 1,100 to over 2,000, and was cited as the source for over 47,000 Facebook interactions. This trend suggests an increased interest in longform journalism. Similarly, the Guardian’s top stories included a six-part multimedia feature on the NSA revelations.
Researchers studying the content of news have to adapt to the rapidly changing world of news. This includes assessing the significance of sites where news content is disseminated and how these environments interrelate. In addition, news content provides a rich site for symbolic environment analysis, allowing researchers to draw inferences about the hierarchy of influences.
Impact of story
The impact of a story on the news is dependent on a variety of factors. These factors range from the number of people involved in the story to the amount of resources involved. A story with a large number of people involved is more likely to attract media attention than one with fewer people. Furthermore, a story that occurs on a daily basis generates more interest than one that occurs only once or twice a year.